
I’ve been making personalized Christmas mixes for friends and family members for sixteen years. First, I made these on cassette, and as it became clear that my friends no longer had the technology to play these, I eventually, grudgingly, switched to cds. And now it looks like it’s time to move on from cds, too. So instead of using cds this year, I am going to create a number of playlists that will be available for streaming online. I’ll be posting new and old favourites, both obscure and classic, and I’ll be using themes that I’ve used in the past, and perhaps some new themes as well, rather than creating these playlists with specific individuals in mind. I hope you’ll enjoy these seasonal treasures as much as I do, and I hope you’ll investigate these artists and give them your support. Especially, I hope to reach all the grinches who have long ago determined that Christmas music just isn’t for them. This is Christmas music for people who hate Christmas music.